What Is Pigeon Racing?
Getting Started

Welfare Standards
Covid Safe Training
Lost and Found Pigeons
OLR Protocol
For Veterinarians
Further Reading

Minutes of Meetings
Current Representatives
Role Of Board Members
VRPB Code of Practice
Action Plan
Contact Us

Victorian Racing Pigeon Body
The “One Voice” of Victorian Pigeon Racers

The Victorian Racing Pigeon Body, VRPB, is an elected body that represents the interests of Victorian pigeon racers. The VRPB was formed in 2020. Pigeon races were first conducted in Victoria in the 1890’s with the first formal organization, the Victorian Homing Association, being founded in 1900. Over the next 120 years, as the state’s population grew and the sport increased in popularity, a number of rural and metropolitan pigeon racing organizations developed. Until 2020, these operated relatively independently. Although it had long been mooted that a single state-wide body should be formed, it was not until 2020 that this occurred. From 2012, Victoria had been the brunt of two avian viral (Rota and PMV) epidemics that eventually involved the entire country. Dealing with these highlighted the benefits of a combined state-wide approach to certain issues. It was, however, the Covid 19 outbreak in Victoria, which led to multiple and sometimes prolonged lockdowns and the suspension of all pigeon-racing-related activities, that reinforced the need for a representative state body. This resulted in the formation of the VRPB.
The Victorian Racing Pigeon Body is made up of 14 members that are elected annually by the organizations that they represent. Representation is proportional. The Board also contains an honorary veterinarian and a solicitor.
The VRPB deals with general issues regarding pigeon racing in Victoria. It is the reference point for pigeon-racing-related enquiries by other agencies and is the recognised authority on pigeon racing in Victoria. Above all else, however, the VRPB is tasked with presenting a unified single voice that represents the interests of all Victorian fanciers.
Victoria is the only Australian state to have an elected representative State-wide pigeon racing body.

Release of racing pigeons by the Victorian Homing Association at Deniliquin, NSW, in 2018.